Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Amazing Whites

Recently, there have been a quite a number of plants in our potted garden that blooming white flowers. Some of the blooms produced sweet fragrance and some are just plain odourless with each individual type of bloom creating a presence of its own. The Jasmine Orange or scientifically known as Murraya Puniculata (locally known as the Kemunting Cina) as shown in the above picture produces sweet smelling fragrance with the scent getting stronger as the darkness of the night approaches. The Peace Lily or scientifically known as Spathiphyllum (below picture) produces blooms similar to that of the Flamingo Flower (Anthurium). Why is it called a Peace Lily?? From my opinion, the name could derived from the bloom that it produced, a piece of large white petal sitting at the end of a straight stem thus resembling a white flag for peace...just my 2 cents worth. The plant comes in a variety of hybrid species, easy to care, love rich medium (fertilize at least once every 2 weeks) and it is also one of the best indoor plants.

These are the other recent white blooms in our potted garden (below pictures). There have been quite a few of flower buds appearing nowadays, triggered by the recent hot spell during the day and wet nights..well we are absolutely not complaining, actually putting a really big smile on our faces..patience really pays off!

Sun-loving species of White Lilies with broad, dark green, saucer-shaped leaves

Sun-loving Mexican Sword plant, categorised as an aquatic plant

Sui-Mei, Easter tree or Wrightia Antidysenterica (locally known as Jasmin Cina, odourless shrub)

Wild orchid, found in between the pitcher plants....took estimated 2 years to mature & produce flowers

Tropical Bleeding Heart Vine, also known as Bag Flower or Glory Tree

One of our bright, cheerful collection of sun-loving Bougainvillea in white blooms

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Blog yang menarik dan banyak informasi tumbuh2an didalamnya. Kebetulan juga saya peminat fotografi alam tumbuhan.